Studio portraits with dancer and singer Dann. Lighted with an old Hollywood fresnel, all pictures digital. -- Portraits studio avec la danseuse et chanteuse...
Outdoor portraits with model Alexandra for hat shop Falbalas Saint Junien. Canon EOS 3 and Kodak Tmax 400, Pentax 67 and Kodak Portra 400. -- Portraits...
Studio portraits with dancer and singer Dann, in a 20's style. Made with medium format camera Pentax 67 with Kodak Portra 400 and Ilford HP5+. Last one is...
Outdoor portraits with model Rebecca. Black and white's are made with medium format camera Pentax 67, with Kodak Tmax 100. Color's are made with a Pentax...
Outdoor portraits with model Alexandra. Made with medium format camera Pentax 67, Ilford HP5+, Kodak Portra 400 and Fuji pro 400h. -- Portraits extérieurs...
Some studio portraits with model Rebeca. Made with medium format camera Pentax 67 and Ilford HP5+. -- Quelques portraits studio avec Rebecca. Fait au moyen...
Outdoor portraits with model Alexandra. Made with medium format camera Pentax 67 and Ilford HP5+. -- Portraits extérieurs avec Alexandra. Fait au moyen format...
Outdoor portraits with model Alexandra. Made with medium format camera Pentax 67 and Ilford HP5+ and Fuji pro 400h. -- Portraits extérieurs avec Alexandra...
Outdoor portraits with dancer and singer Dann. Color made with medium format camera Pentax 67 and Kodak Portra 400. Black and white made with a Canon EOS 3...
Outdoor portrait with model Alexandra. Made with medium format camera Pentax 67, Kodak Portra 400 and Ilford HP5+. -- Portraits extérieur avec Alexandra. Fait...